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News in brief
We have just received news of Dorset Local History Forum's next meeting on Saturday 16 May 2009 at Sherborne Museum, 10.30am–5.00pm, £5 including a Ploughman's Lunch, when the theme will be the 'Making of the Sherborne Story'. The day will include a talk by Dr Joseph Betty about the county's archive, plus other presentations and a choice of afternoon visits. Tickets are available from Phil Roberts, tel: 01935 400507, email:
The Society of Archivists has recently made its magazine ARC available online as a free download. The first two issues to be made available in this way are for for January and February 2009.
The Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Labour History Society was founded at the end of 2008 and is looking for new members. Among the topics already discussed have been local veterans of the Spanish Civil War and the lot of coal miners' during the 1920s. For more details contact the Society's Secretary, Hiliary Cave, 22 Boythorpe Avenue, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2QE, email:
Join Historic Scotland before 15 July 2009 and receive an extra six months membership free of charge. There are eight types of membership, including four concessionary rates, from a single adult (£39) to 'Two adults plus children (£74). Two peak time visits to Edinburgh Castle would cost a total of £78. For more information contact 6 Months Free, Freepost SCO2638, Edinburgh EH9 0BR, or visit the website to download an application form.
The Civic Trust has gone into administration. For the past fifty years it has been campaigning to protect and enhance the built environment in towns and cities across the country. In the last few years it has been involved with such initiatives as the Green Flag Awards for parks and the annual Open Heritage Days programme. We understand that the administrators are currently reviewing the Trust, with a view to seeing what can be saved — which explains why the Trust's website is still up and running. The good news is that the very successful Heritage Open Days programme will almost certainly continue. Talks have been taking place with other organisations, with English Heritage being mentioned more than once. An announcement is expected very soon. The Green Flag Awards scheme was already due to be transferred to new managers and the loss of this contract is thought to be one of the reasons why The Civic Trusted has closed.
12 May 2009